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I love this game! I can't wait for release. I wishlisted on Steam. Thank you for the fun demo!

iws this game on steam?

holy shit this looks cool

Whenever i try to launch the teaser or the arena on Linux, the game window open for a fraction of a second and then crashes. My Ubuntu OS is about a year out of date. Could you please help me get Drova running?

I'm sorry to hear that the game crashes on your pc.

Could you provide us the log file? You can find it under ~/.config/unity3d/Just2D/Drova/Player.log

Then send this file to so we can examine the problem. You can also join our discord ( and write me directly (Johannes) with the log file.

Thanks in advance. :)

Is the game 32bit or 64bit for mac?

it's 64bit :)

this game really nice thenkyu 

You are also nice, thank you <3

If I purchase the game here, once it's finished will it be the full version here. I saw it on steam & just want to know if i'm only buying a "demo" here. ?


This game here is only a free playable Teaser of our Game "Drova". When the game is finished, we are planning to release the game on itch too.

Deleted post

Thank you!

This game is friggin awesome. Great work!


thank you <3

is there going to be Full controller support in the future :)

yes that is our goal. in our small prototype, which we published yesterday, you can already play with controller

(1 edit)

Hi. Just asking if the full version on steam is going to be paid.

yes it will cost something. How much exactly we do not know yet.

Nice game I love it

Pretty nice game!
However, i sometimes get Motion Sicked lol, pretty weird
If you ever need Spanish translation, here i am.

is this the same Drova - Teaser on Steam?


Yes, it is the same version! However, there is a little easteregg in the Steam version that is not available here. You can read more about it on our Discord, if you are interested :)

لعبة حلوة


Unfortunately we understand only english


He's saying: It's a sweet game

you can use google translate on detect language


شكرا لك

(1 edit)

Amazing story graphics and music I really love it. My friend and I really would like to translate your game into Turkish. If you are interested, contact me via this email address:

hey thank you! Currently we do not need translation but in the future. I have noted your contact details.

(2 edits)

I played this game long ago. And its still fascinating me. I see the dev Team is going good on this game, keep going guys. I am excited to play the full game. I see enemies right now are bats, wolves. Would be there more enemy types eg. lion, tiger, or some other jungle animal or beasts. I would like to have some more interactable buildings like we have tavern.

Still i like to play the teaser part and made my hands dirty :D


Thank you for your feedback! We will add more different enemies and more buildings! Hopefully you will like our finished game :P

(1 edit)

Hi guys, I heard that you're searching for a text-writer. I've got some experience and I'm an editor from Germany. Hit me up if you're still interested! :)

billyblaze89 [at] googlemail .com

Thank you for your offer. We already have a writer. But I have written down your email address :)

No problem! Hit me up if you need help in future projects. :)

Cant get this to work on M1 Mac

what exactly are your problems? are you getting any errors?

hi it says I do not have permission to run the app even though under privacy settings it’s set to  allow apps to be installed from anywhere

There are two ways that will probably help you:

Easy way:
The game is available for free on Steam as well, there you should have no issues installing and playing the game on any platform.

Technical way:
You can try the following: open the terminal and navigate to the downloaded game. Then type: "chmod +x" this allows the app to be recognized as an executable. And then this command: "xattr -r -d". This allows the run to be run after downloading and unzipping it from the internet.


It was amazing; controls, story, boss fight everything was amazing. Go on! JUST2D

These are kind words. We do our best! :) Goal achieved!



(1 edit)

Firstly I wanna say that I love the art-style. Although its pixels its still beautiful and mesmerising. The combat also feels good and not clunky. From what I've been playing so far this game has never let me down. One of the best indie rpg games I've played.

8/10 :D

*edit : I forgot to mention that i had some trouble with the clicking. sometimes i can't communicate with a npc until I unsheathe my weapon and click the npc at the same time. I hope you can fix it :)

I am very happy to hear that! This is actually not a bug. As long as you have your weapon drawn you are in the combat stance. You have to put your weapon away before you can talk to an NPC :P

(1 edit)

I was surprised by how much i enjoyed this game, the story drew me in and it reminds me of the old nostalgic RPG-esq games i used to play. 

Im really looking forwards to the full release and am excited to see what you do with it.

That being said, it is a little rough and lacks polish, the text kept lagging for some unknown reason, as well as having a few problems with the grammar (Which is to be expected and not that big a issue for me personally) and it ran a bit janky during combat at times.

All in all, its been a long time since ive been so excited about what a game has to offer


Hello thank you for your feedback! We are very happy that you enjoyed our game! We do our best and hope you will like our finished game too!

Do you have any idea when the full release will be? 


We want to release the game in 2023 :) We are taking our time to deliver a bug-free and working version.


Excellent protoype, rough and unpolished, that takes fairly long to play through and exposes just enough of the game's systems and story to catch one's attention – really looking forward to the full game.

I get those nostalgic janky Gothic-vibes from it. You sometimes get stuck on a tree or a rock and you slash and sorcer with arms flailing through the air, hitting nothing. The story is generic at first glance, with the order and the family, a familiar tavern, some magic unknown by the lowly common folk. But the whole picture is more than its parts. Everything put together makes you wanting to explore the world and its secrets. Although, a map would help.

PS: Why did you set up a Google Form for Feedback? That's a no-go for me and I think it will discourage people from giving you your deserved feedback.


Hey, thanks for your feedback! Then it achieved its goal of giving an impression of our vision.

Currently we have a Google Form for Feedback at the end of the demo.  Maybe we should add one to the main menu as well. We should revise the google forms again and place it better so it really stands out more. 

Very good feedback! If you have any more input, we'd love to hear it


Thanks for your answer. Maybe you could consider using something else than Google Forms for feedback. Fe. which is an ethical, free software alternative.

Ahh now i see what you mean. I agree with you. Thanks for your input!

Could please look into how to make the game installable through the Twitch client?


We have adjusted it now. Thank you :)


Works fine on Linux

This game demo is incredible! I loved it and can't wait for the full game to come out! I can see the Witcher similarities for sure. It also reminded me of the Gothic games, which is a good thing. With that being said, there were a few problems I had with it. 

First is the day and night cycle is far too quick. I would sleep till morning and before I knew it, it was night, and I couldn't see jack squat. To make matters worse, is I'm lost out in the world exploring without a bed in sight. So in my opinion Daylight should last longer, maybe 4-5 minutes minimum. 

Secondly I had a small problem when comparing weapon stats in the barter menu. Sometimes it would show my currently equipped weapon with lower stats, when really I had higher stats then the weapon I was comparing it to.

Other then that, awesome game and I will definitely have this on my wish list for when it comes out, an insta-buy.

Hey thanks for your feedback! Your 2 points are right and I have noted them! We are glad that you enjoyed our game. Goal achieved :P

If you have more feedback feel free to join our Discord :)

Great game! Classic! Great dialogues, simple and precise combats.

Thank you :)

Interesting but wasd-only makes it unplayable on systems with non-querty keyboards. At least allow arrow keys for movement please.


We have made a note of this and will find a solution! Thank you for your feedback.

the Czech language would also be useful in the game


very good game but somathink missing here...

"please add multiplier."


what do you mean by multiplier? ^^


"multiplayer game" game for more then one players

ps:sorry i am from Czech Republic , my eanglish is ve bed :)

sirve para Android


I have this error message : 

Cannot read property 'build' of undefined

While using the zip folder for mac : You don't have the permission to start this application

Any ideas ? Thanks

Maybe this can help: "For any Mac users unable to open the app use the following command sudo chmod -R 755 <application_file_path> to get the game working."

Thanks, not sure of what that means but anyway it doesn't work to install the game on itch.

Happy new year.

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey. It’s probably because the developer doesn’t have an Apple Developer License (or something like that). I believe you can change something in macOS settings to allow launching apps from unverified developers.

I also got this error message.


I like how you took 2 directional sprites (left and right) and made them into 360 degree combat system to not draw sprites in all directions. Very clever :)

v. 1.02
I have 1280x1024, pause menu:

Is have only in menu.
Please, don't forget test game on others resolutions, not only 16:9.

Thank you for your feedback! We have noted this and will upload it in the next version.


Having finish the demo, made a review which hopefully will bring more attention to what you guys are making. Good luck!

We liked the video very much. All your explanations are correct. It was really exciting to get an overview of all the features from someone else who is not working on the project.  We wish you much success with your youtube account and hopefully we will see a video of our game on your channel in 2022. :P

Will you add gamepad support?

We are currently discussing this. Would that be important for you?

Yes. And I think it would broaden your clientele


Just started to playthrough your game, like it a lot! I can see the influences from witcher and souls. For now I really like the flow system, the NPC's dialogues and looking forward to finding more equipments.

I saw that you are able to give bug/feedback with F2, but what do i fill in in the ID bracket? And by sending the feedback at a specific time, would you guys know where/when the bug/feedback is sent?

Start of my playthrough

Thank you for your feedback!

With the ID you can enter anything. Should only then always be uniform :)

If you currently report an error, the savegame, a screenshot and your message will be sent to us.

Got it. Btw, just finished the game, can't wait to see what you guys have in mind for the final version!

Just a few thing I am annoyed with,

1. I wish that I can drag and swap the shortcut bar on the shortcut bar itself, so I don't need to drag all the items from the inventory again if I ever wanted to slot in a new skill between lets say number 3 and 4 with skills and potion respectively.

2. I feel the color scheme of the characters and enemies tend to blend into the BG. Would be great if the colors are just a tad more saturated or contrast to pop them out.

But other than that, Loved it! Good luck on the game

Thank you for your feedback. That really helped us. Especially with Corona it is hard to get testers where you can look over their shoulders. Your video is worth its weight in gold :P

I can’t seem to get it working on my Mac.

What exactly is not working?  Are you getting any error messages?

Maybe this can help: "For any Mac users unable to open the app use the following command sudo chmod -R 755 <application_file_path> to get the game working."

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Ok can you give me the full code instead of the <> signs and the stuff in between cause I don't know what to put there

Ok I got it to work thank you

(1 edit)

Impressive. Though, when the character talked to himself in the beginning it was a little bit too fast for me xD I wouldn't mind some kind of log in the game, maybe. But never mind me. Keep up the good job and good luck.

Also, I'm extremely grateful for the fonts in the game not being the tiny torture machine on wide screens. 


Good feedback. We made a note of that and will change it in the future. Each person reads differently fast :)


So, first of all: this game is good, very good, go and download it now if you like top-down RPG games, you will find a jewel here. Now, about my video and my experience, the game is pretty good and I had fun with it, I love it actually. The mechanics are good and the encounters with enemies are tense and meaningful. Yes, I went to a high-level area being underequipped and underprepared, but it was fun nonetheless. Check this game out!

hey thanks for your feedback. We liked your video! Videos always help us understand player behavior better :)


Played the alpha a long time ago, glad to see this game still in development. The map is nice and the characters are expressive as well, good job


Yes, we remember your last video! We were happy that you played our new version too.


Oh I had to! The story combat, all interesting, plus I want to see this new ending of the demo

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